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Plane (flat) mirrors have a reflective surface that bounces back light within 180 degrees of the mirror's face. We use these mirrors every day in our bathrooms, bedrooms, and cars. When you look in a ...

If you swirl water around in a cup, you’ll notice how easily and fast the water will move. But have you ever tried to swirl some maple syrup around in a cup? It doesn’t respond to your movements in th ...

For some reason, your laptop charger gets super hot when you plug it in.It had recently stopped working, and so you left it with a friend who claimed to know how to fix it. He said that all he’d need ...

You’re sitting under a tree on a sunny day. There are bright circles of light of light from the sun making chaotic patterns on the grass. Where do you suppose they come from? How does distance affect ...

You are lost in the wilderness. You know there is a highway several miles north of you, but you don’t know which direction north is. Luckily, you have a magnet with you! How can you find your way usin ...

Quantum Mechanics. Something that scientists in movies and prestigious universities investigate, right? Not necessarily! Do this experiment and you’ll be able to see quantum mechanics in action by exp ...

You may have heard about how the Moon generates the tides. You may even know that high spring tides occur during a full or new Moon, and that low neap tides occur during a quarter Moon (when the Moon ...

Sound is a neat thing. It’s really just vibrations in the air, but with it you can hear music, speech, movements, actions, trains, planes, and cars. Sound is often measured by its frequency. Frequency ...

Have you ever wanted to be a mad scientist? Has your lack of control over lightning disheartened you? Never fear; this experiment will let you bend electricity to your will by showing you how to make ...